srijeda, 31. ožujka 2010.

Emotional Garbage

Unnoticed plague destroying millions of human relationships. A still and wider. This scourge is called emotional garbage. It is a psychological and emotional illness that causes a catastrophe in all our relationships, from the most personalized experience most public. It operates without our knowledge or consent, and its toxic effects are spreading to unexpected proportions. Look around the victims: It seems a couple less than one as against three that they will experience the fortieth anniversary of the marriage. Many requests for divorce filed in the first seven years of marriage.

More than 60 percent of couples admitted that there are serious difficulties in emotional and sexual gratification. Among adults, significantly increasing the percentage of depression, insomnia, obesity and high blood pressure. Stress due to pressure of work creates a new, dangerous levels of health, family and parenting issues. News not good. From the bedroom to the classroom, more and more people complain of difficulties in their relationships. It is harder to start a relationship, and keep it still has a lot tegobnije. Yes, there are islands of common sense and many people say they are satisfied. But why some loving relationships and provide fulfillment, and others do not? How can you know when your relationship is successful? Here is the most important question: when can you tell if your life is imbued with the hidden disease of emotional garbage?

Samo za reklamu - Pisanica, Krama i Ban

Šetnja Zagrebom dala mi je razna zapažanja i potaknula me na više priča i komentara. Imala sam samo sat slobodnog vremena, a sunce mi je dalo poticaj sivim stanicma, da mi dobro funkcioniraju, te, da se mogu dobro zabaviti i gurati nos svugdje pomalo.

Jako volim Zagreb i često odlazim tamo iz nekih važnih i manje važnih razloga. Taj dan mi je bio ispunjen pogledima na boje. Uglavnom to je grad sivila tako kaže za njega većina ljudi koji tamo dolaze. Ustvari ljudima se samo tako čini, valjda nisu raspoloženi ili nešto tako, pa boje i ne primjećuju. Međutim moje misli i pogledi fokusirali su e na  svakojake boje. Moram priznati, prvo sam primjetila velike pisanice jednu na samom trgu tik uz Bana koja se savršeno uklapa u prostor i tako je time dobila i potpuno suvereni prostor na trgu, gdje savršeno dominira. Ako gledamo dijagonalno ona druga pisanica koja je završila u Zagrebu ili ima možda još koja tamo, neznam, uglavnom nije zauzela baš neko zavidno mjesto, smeštena je tik uz staru kramu i željeznički kolodvor. A što i kakvi se sve narod,  ljudi i životinje motaju tamo, svima je već je davno poznato. Šteta što je ta pisanica dana psima i klošarima da pišaju i pljuju po njoj. A valjda je nekome i to reklama u korist, pretpostavljam.

utorak, 30. ožujka 2010.

Flowers everywhere


 Flowers everywhere

I walked Zagreb, I enjoyed, but in a good cup of coffee in the "wrong path" and the beautiful flowers that smelled the whole square. They brought him a peasant and another nearby village. Thus offering some bunch aim at a very affordable, simply that a man can not resist the
colorful carpet that extends all the way to Tkalciceva street. It is fascinating to watch all these types of flowers, whose colors and scents SEPURA in the sun and attract passers-by views, so they simply can not resist. The time is spring and everything is packed eros,
the energy that is fading on all sides budeći in us a new motivation, whether amatory or fascinating. I thought, only me for a moment into a bee to make this world could be seen through another dimension.
 Unfortunately, it only let dream and reality of nothing. I must admit, when I returned to your body and soul are filled me with energy, spiritual power and eros, I am ready for a new beginning ......

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ponedjeljak, 29. ožujka 2010.

Exclusive Bugatti Galibier go into serial production

EXCLUSIVE Bugatti Galibier go into serial production

According to various sources, coming from Great Britain, Bugatti plans to start mass production five-door luxury sedan Galibier, which is presented as a concept car at last year's Motor Show in Frankfurt. According to available information, the French company intends to produce only 300 copies Galibiera who arrived at the sale as a model for the 2013th year, and the sale went to the 2012th year.
Differences between the concept vehicle and a serial Galibiera for now not yet known, but according to some sources, Bugatti plans to produce najlaganiju sedan in its class that will be a class above supersportskog Veyron. It is supposed to be used to drive 8.0-liter W16 engine to 800 hp, which will have the possibility of combustion of bioethanol. It is expected that the price of Bugatti Galibiera be more than 1 million euros. Various sources report that Bugatti plans to produce 300 copies luxury sedan that would Galibier pogonio 8.0-liter W16 engine power above 800 hp.

četvrtak, 25. ožujka 2010.

Skirmish with the banks - bank's shit in the Raiffeisen banks

 Skirmish with the banks - bank's shit in the Raiffeisen banks

Today was my very interesting day, full of adrenaline and some vibration. Everywhere I well come upon us. I went to the bank to close some savings accounts. Normally, one would be hard to believe that if put on the bank a certain amount of money, interest, or an expected yield for that period. Since the bank fraudsters, people be careful how you access them and do not believe in mere stories that sell you bank clerks, because the bank will reward them fat commission if you fail prevati, closing with you a favorable deal was high, whatever any one product to what they say . This term they would definitely forbidden to use the jel is not a product but a fraud. Here's how it was. A few years ago I made an agreement with the bank on housing savings and consists of an impressive amount invested to the account, then the time came and showed me the need to build my credit with the 'savings' accounts nglaskom on housing. I could not negotiate, I was told that a little more patience that currently do not approve loans, but it would adversely period to pass it as a 'pričja flu. Knows when to stop. Since I was limited in time, I had to raise a loan. I chose to raise this sum of money, transfer it to another bank where I got the loan. I acted according to their own ideas and fresh was OK. But when I lift the money, the banking official has suggested to me that you leave a building society account because we might need. I thought you're good. I left up the thousand, in order not to save some too. Now I finally decided to close the account and now has just created a problem. On this account I no longer have any rate, since I still morla provide bank a certain sum of money, because my account was standing there and I did not thick neck geese podmazivla ulačivanjem every month a certain amount. I attacked on the poor clerk, he made a table and presented to him in detail how she robbed the bank. The njemiu was an error that I did not suggest to close definitively acco for the above reasons, but wisely kept quiet because he knew he would get commission from your bank because it again with me or make a contract. Briefly, I had the account three years ago three thousand, we have -0. It is difficult to understand. But true. This not only what I mentioned on the blog, this is even more detailed with rated banks will disperse in the media. In fact i can tell it's Raiffeisen Bank. These and other banks have a counterpart usurers, which destroyed the entire world financial sistem.

srijeda, 24. ožujka 2010.

Loans are very high risk

Bearing loans are past, of socialism and is now in its structure and logic can not fit into the ideology of capitalism. Multuplikator Search for credit is based on which credit institutions are taking wealth - for example, the deposits in the amount of 100,000 kuna, the bank transmits 180,000 kuna loans, and thus can never be any loss to the greatest economic crisis.             
Every adult natural person who has legal capacity is responsible for its postuke, time, and for signing the loan agreement. When manus propria sign the sheet on which are listed the general contractual terms and conditions, your life is bitter, but only because we do not know what signs and does not advise a person with a professional before accepting these conditions.
Assure that every person with this form of thinking and existing credit institutions (in the form of active interest), he is able. Credit institutions are nothing but a little larger firms whose aim is to provide its administration greater profit. What are the foreign-owned, guaranteed them accessible only cheaper capital invested in the domestic market. This is a brand (such as Unicredit, Raiffeisen, Erste, etc.) that attracts customers and gives them the sense of security and belonging to a modern capitalist society.

Mučenje životinja

Užasavam se ljudi koji imaju opake stavove prema životinjama i koji ih doživljavaju kao bića bez razuma. Koliko sam se puta uvjerila kako pas ima razum a i mačak. Jedino što je mačak jako prevrtljiv i uvijek voli dominirati. Rekla bih egoističan je. Ne volim mačke, ali zato imama prema njima poštovanja, kao i prema svim živim bićima na zemlji, bili to ljudi, tigrovi, psi mačke ili krokodili... Ne mogu si zamisliti što je to u ljudskoj pameti da maltretira i ugnjetava drage životinje i ljude.

Pogotovo mrzim one dame, muškarce i žene koje nemaju srama staviti na sebe neko krzno od jadne životinje koja je krvarila i umirala u najgorim mukama radi 'retardiranih' ljudi koji će na sebe staviti krzno i pokazivati se u njemu radi javnosti, misleći da će tako biti dopadljivi, ne, neće, samo će izgledati jadno i bezvrijedno u očima svih onih koji imaju civilizirani pristup prema životinja. Ti koji su spremni bez imalo grižnje savjesti staviti na sebe bilo kakvo životinjsko krzno, najstrožije bih kaznila, a sav prihod od kazni namjenila bi za one životinje koju su dospjele u azil, kojih su se vlasnici olako odrekli i koje tamo pate bez ljubavi i pažnje vlasnika na koju su možda računali, a nisu je dobili već su završili u šinteraju. Pitam se koji su to ljudi i koja ima je pomračena strana sivih stanica. Prestrašno!

Nedugo sam čula jednu strašnu istinitu priču o mučenju psa. Ispričat ću vam je iako se sva naježim od te priče. Dva susjeda su se posvađala radi psa. Jedan od njih koji je bio ljut na psa, odlučio ga je ubiti. Tukao ga je toliko dok jadan pas nije izdahnuo. Bacio ga u kola i odvezao u polje da ga brže bolje ukopa u zemlju, sav sretan što je psa izbrisao sa lica zemlje, i što mu više neće dolaziti u dvorište. Vlasnik spomenutog psa bio je iznimno tužan i psa je tražio posvuda. Međutim nakon tri ili više dana, dogodila se nevjerojatna stvar. Pas je uskrsnuo od mrtvih i sav potrgan dopuzao doma u svoje dvorište. Nije imao jedno oko, rebra i noge su mu bile polomljene. Krvario je na sve strane. Vlasnik se svim silama trudio da izliječi psa, no pas je živio još samo nekoliko dana i otišao zauvijek. Tuga se uvukla u srca cijele obitelji, znam da je to  jako tužno, kada ljubimci odu odnosno umru ili uginu. Ljubimci te nikada ne iznevjere, pogotovo pas,  ne uvrijede, vole beskrajno, ne lažu, pa čak osjete kada smo tužni, želeći nas utješiti.

Nakon te tragedije predložila sam vlasniku psa, da tuži krvoločnog susjeda ubojicu, međutim susjed nije to napravio mada mu sin radi u policiji nije ga čak niti prijavio. Postoji zakon o zaštiti životinja, ali se on malo primjenjuje u korist životinja, pa kako i bi jer, niti ljudi nisu previše zaštićeni kada ih napadne ili ozlijedi njihova vrsta.

utorak, 23. ožujka 2010.

Created glamorous style inspired avatars and mythology

Well-known stylist and fashion designer Alexander Mcqueen designed the original and distinct style to accent on the film Avatar. Sil is the story with greater emphasis on the military and also the exclusive and glamorous. We see how the film can affect the fashion and lifestyle, ie, the emergence of avatar-style, which is promoted on the red carpet. Really interesting. Personally I am delighted emerging style that leaves no one indifferent. Some details I particularly noticed and would like to have in your wardrobe.

 For example mini dress animal access, then in accordance with novel shoes, and more besides reptiles and unusual hairstyles. I would say something perfectly, and in particular, which I like unusual and would like to find in these rags at any cost. Then there follows a futuristic designed dresses all in gold, with transparent transparent veil. Are all genuine games đungle and animal  approach and style. For the totality of care is avatar image A. Martini with certain additives ethnic futuristic bags. Combination of mythology, ethnos and futurology, with original avatar taste, joined the fashion house Miu Miu in making necklaces of gold and diamonds and carefully dialed astrological stones. Lovers of the new avatar of style, many famous stars. Rihana world famous singer, for its daily image has chosen a hooded jacket, pants and bag in a mixture of recognizable avatar and military stila.Modni Avatar style is inspired by Hindu mythology, the name itself means the embodiment of divinity in man or animal. In mythology, the god Vishnu takes the terrestrial forms to establish cosmic order. Avatar god Vishnu was also the Buddha who has descended to earth to preach the nobility. But enough about mitlogy, it was only in passing. Us more interested in clothes, new style and new age, to step in it ...

ponedjeljak, 22. ožujka 2010.

New KIA Megantis

I can not to mention my favored car - the brand KIA. Just me happy this information, and related news that surfaced about my sweet and nice cars. Kia has revealed the first photos of the new generation model of Optima, in Europe known as the Magentis, which will have its world premiere at the upcoming Motor Show in New York. The new generation Magentis / Optima shares a platform with the new Hyundai i45/Sonatom, and is characterized by fluid and muscular exterior design, the rear lights to LED technology and sports side profile which will certainly help in better sales compared to actual sales and competition Magentis vex headaches. New Magentis the European market probably comes with a new name, which has not yet been discovered, and sits in the Kia models offer the middle class.

 The new model comes with longer wheelbase than the current Magentis, and also the wider and closer to the ground and gives passengers more space to the interior and trunk. Kia has not revealed the basic specifications, but is expected to drive gasoline and diesel engines, and the arrival of hybrid performance. Production begins in mid-summer this year, and sales in the spring 2011th year. The new Kia model of the middle class, which will replace the current Magentis will premiere on the Motor Show in New York as the Kia Optima, as in U.S. sales by that name. Sales of new models in Europe begin in the spring 2011th year.

petak, 19. ožujka 2010.

How we eating?

How to actually eat? Question is now..
We will take the order and give a brief overview of the individual ingredients and turn on their importance in the diet in everyday life. So first things first. Meat, fish, eggs and replacement foods such as beans and lentils, contain proteins that are essential for growth and recovery. Protein-rich foods, especially meat, is also a rich source of iron, selenium, zinc and vitamin B. To further reduce fat intake with protein foods such as remove the skin from chicken, cut with the obvious fat red meat, lamb, pork and beef, and Use a minimum of oil to prepare jela.Težite to two fish meals per week, one shall be bogatia fish omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, sardines and trout.

Foods containing a high percentage of carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, rice and wheat supplies us with energy and important nutrients, including iron and vitmain B. These types manirnica should do a third of total energy intake. It is important to choose nerafinirane are rich fiber. Because of them will be a long time to feel a sieve and will help you balanced diet should include five servings ugljikohidratnih each dan.Voće and vegetables provide us the necessary nutrients like vitamins and minerals, and contain many other components that are associated with healthy eating. All should strive to increase the share of vegetables and fruits in the diet, because they are rich in water and can help control calorie intake. You should provide five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Portion weighs about 80 g and includes fresh, cooked, frozen and dried fruits and vegetables, and natural sokove.Hrana such as cheese, yogurt and milk is an important source of calcium and other minerals and vitamins. Choose those products with a small amount of fat. You should strive to three servings each day.                                                  
And what is wrong in the diet and what we must be careful not to select any (banned) namirnica.Pri this thinking sweets and salt. Sweets usually contain fats and sugars, and in this group include chips, creamy spreads, cakes, biscuit, chocolate, sweet drinks, alcohol and sl.Unos these foods should reduce to the lowest possible level. It is important to note that we can replace fruit candies, dried fruit snacks, sweet drinks fruit juice or unsweetened tea.
Alcohol contains about 7 calories per gram. In addition to adding calories in the diet stimulates the alcohol only and may disrupt healthy eating habits. Remember: the preparation of food with fresh foods whenever possible and avoid snacks saline.

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Announcement electric Fiat

French Tuner Cars Atomik next month plans to reveal its own electric version of Fiat 500 Abarth with a fully electric drive that is realized through all four wheels, and the 0 to 100 km / h speed up just 5.6 seconds, which is 1.5 seconds faster than the standard Fiat 500 Abarth with the gasoline engine.

Last modified Fiat 500 come from France, and it's about adapting the vehicle 500 Abarth with a conventional gasoline engine to drive the fully electric drive. Atomic 500 will be at the show presented Top Marques Monaco. Tunirani Fiat 500 Abarth is characterized by a couple of new aerodynamic elements, which includes a new bumper, fog lamps,

extended wheel arches and new wheels. Atomic electric vehicle 500 will be presented to the 15th April at the Salon Top Marques Monaco, and then goes into limited production of only 50 copies. Tuner is the notice published several photos of vehicles "on the Moon", a reason these photos topics is not known.

Maximum speed by an electric 500 Abarth achieved was not revealed, but it was discovered that the distance of 400 meters of the vehicle exceeds 14 seconds, and 1 km to over 26 seconds. This would mean that the estimated maximum speed of slightly over 180 km / h. Electric Fiat 500 Abarth is powered from lithium-ion batteries based on lithium iron phosphate, which is safer and lasts much longer than conventional batteries. Information about motor that drives the vehicle is not listed.

četvrtak, 18. ožujka 2010.

Dacia Duster in the rally Aicha Des Gazelles

After the ice runway race Trophée Andros, Dacia Duster attack dunes and mountainous terrain rallya Aicha des Gazelles, whose 2010 edition will be held from 15 to 28 March 2010. year. Duster, sturdy, spacious and extremely accessible SUV Dacia brand, which was just presented at the Geneva Motor Show, will take part in the twentieth edition of Rally Aicha des Gazelles, which will be held in Morocco from 15 to 28 March On sand dunes and mountainous terrain of Atlas, Dacia Duster will be able to demonstrate their ability to 4x4 and its robustness and reliability. Itinerary connecting the six stages, starting in Erfoud, or distance greater than 2,500 km in southern Morocco, between the foothills of the High Atlas and the Sahara desert. Two groups of Renault employees who have had an active role in the project Duster will participate in the competition for control of two vehicles Dacia Duster 4x4: Isabelle Charles (team no. 315), 47 years, designer colors and materials for the Dacia Duster, and Nathalie Descout (Team No. . 316), 28 years, responsible for worldwide advertising campaign for the Dacia Duster. Dacia team will also participate in eco-driving challenge, which rewards the first three teams with the lowest CO2 emissions in the Rally Aicha des Gazelle. Two Dacia Duster 4x4 vehicles participating in the rally are equipped dCi 85 diesel engine with low emissions. Dacia Duster 4x4 dCi 85 has a program of only 140g CO2/km and got Dacia eco ² signature.
After the ice runway race Trophée Andros, Dacia Duster attack dunes and mountainous terrain rallya Aicha des Gazelles, whose 2010 edition will be held from 15 to 28 March 2010. year. Duster, sturdy, spacious and extremely accessible SUV Dacia brand, which was just presented at the Geneva Motor Show, will take part in the twentieth edition of Rally Aicha des Gazelles, which will be held in Morocco from 15 to 28 March On sand dunes and mountainous terrain of Atlas, Dacia Duster will be able to demonstrate their ability to 4x4 and its robustness and reliability. Itinerary connecting the six stages, starting in Erfoud, or distance greater than 2,500 km in southern Morocco, between the foothills of the High Atlas and the Sahara desert. Two groups of Renault employees who have had an active role in the project Duster will participate in the competition for control of two vehicles Dacia Duster 4x4: Isabelle Charles (team no. 315), 47 years, designer colors and materials for the Dacia Duster, and Nathalie Descout (Team No. . 316), 28 years, responsible for worldwide advertising campaign for the Dacia Duster. Dacia team will also participate in eco-driving challenge, which rewards the first three teams with the lowest CO2 emissions in the Rally Aicha des Gazelle. Two Dacia Duster 4x4 vehicles participating in the rally are equipped dCi 85 diesel engine with low emissions. Dacia Duster 4x4 dCi 85 has a program of only 140g CO2/km and got Dacia eco ² signature.

Rally Aicha des Gazelles is the second automotive competition in which participating Dacia. Like a race to the Trophée Andros ice, Rally Aicha des Gazelles is an original and atypical race in accordance with the spirit of Dacia, who likes to change brands usual rules. Rally Aicha des Gazelles is the only 100% female race car, and an original approach to vehicle speed contest was not important, but the emphasis is on covering the shortest possible distance and simple equipment. At the rally Gazelles can use the compass, and two maps (a scale of 1:100,000 and 1: 250.000), and a lot of ingenuity and strategy to connect the mandatory checkpoint, the Gazelles selection time, taking into account relief. Morocco is a key state for Dacia. With a market share of 16.5% in 2009., The Dacia brand in Morocco, the second - just behind Renault - where Logan is the best-selling vehicle. Prior to July 2010., Dacia Duster will be available at concessions in Europe, Turkey and the Maghreb relationship with undisputed price / equipment / space. Two Dacia Duster in the version with four-wheel drive, will attend a rally Aicha des Gazelles. Dacia Duster is the right 4x4 vehicle that will confidently meet the challenges of Rally Aicha des Gazelles. Designed for driving on all types of terrain, anywhere in the world, and offers genuine opportunities crossing barriers due to a higher ground for a distance of 210 mm, short overhangs of 822 mm and 820 mm front and rear corners of a large transient - 30 ° angle of approach and 36 ° for the outgoing angle. Dacia Duster is simply a vehicle for use.
His weight, very low for its shape is 1288 kg on the 85th version of the dCi 4x4 In combination with the compact dimensions, Dacia Duster is specially turnaround vehicle. His generous space is a true asset for the Gazelles Dacia, because in their Duster can load all of the camping equipment, spare parts, spare wheel, food, water and more. Dacia Duster 4x4 is equipped with a manual six-speed transmission that offers a short first gear (5.79 km / h at 1000 r / mn). Stated a simple solution offers the opportunity to ride at very low speed on uneven surfaces and improves the movement of vehicles under load or with a steep slope. Command 4x4, taken with Nissan vehicles, located on the lower part of the central facade, will enable the two Gazelles Dacia (participating rallya Aicha des Gazelles is called Gazelles) able to easily adapt to your needs Duster. This command, simple and ergonomic, allows you to select between three modes: Auto, Lock, and 4x2.

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srijeda, 17. ožujka 2010.

Miracle unseen

Miracle unseen is tragicomedy whose story takes place in a small fishing village on the shores of the lake, where they have always lived in a similar manner. Šćepan, "first man" in this end of town that wants to create "heaven on earth" and the passion of enthusiasts began unprecedented venture: dig a tunnel through the hill to the sea, dry lake and create a fertile ground that will give three harvests a year. But in order to polish the world, a man reaching for a miracle, yet unseen, and is faced with the tragic and laughable reality.
Miracle unseen is brilliant and easily told the story of the Montenegrin film wizard Zivko Nikolic. In it, it is the patriarchal village residents of Montenegro, which will happen very serious events that will forever change their lives. Everyone has their own story, but in each there is a conflict of patriarchal and modern. However, all share the construction of canals between the lakes, where there is a village and the sea in the neighborhood, while local architects want to obtain money, as would the construction of canals, the village should postatiu onions. The arrival of beautiful young women from the Americas, will lead to many conflicts among residents that they "začara", and other annoyances.

Peace, a small fishing village shattered with the arrival of the young and extremely beautiful American wife (Savina Geršak) local temporary workers. She intends to live in the house of his father, who, meanwhile, turned into a restaurant. From that moment begins her "revenge" tittup people, their passions and interests. This comic-erotic, lyrical element is particularly evident in its relationship with local glazbenikom.Čudo unseen "great is written, directed, shot and glumljen film. During the show he was happy to run, and won the festival award. So at the Pula festival 1984th Vesna Pećanac won the "Golden Arena" for best female supporting role, while Zivko Nikolic Film Festival in Moscow 1985th was awarded the "Silver Medal".

Cast: Savina Geršak, Dragan Nikolic, Petar Bozovic, Boro Begovic, Task Načić, Bata Zivojinovic, Boro Stjepanovic, Vesna Pecanac, Slavko Stimac, Bogdan Diklić, Danilo Stojkovic

utorak, 16. ožujka 2010.

Big festival in Zagreb

Festival tickets at a price of 390 kuna, or 340 kuna rates for T-Mobile customers in the sale are only until Wednesday 17th March Thursday, 18 March price of tickets will be at 440 kuna, or 390 kuna rates for T-Mobile users. Discount of 50 kuna, when buying one ticket in the T-centers, can achieve all T-Mobile customers booking tickets via SMS (empty message is sent to number 2255). To Wednesday, 17 March and runs promotional period in which all high school students and students, regardless of network used, can buy a ticket at a cost of 290 kn. High school students can achieve the possibility of buying tickets at a cost of 290 kn with the presentation of identity cards and certificates from high school, and students on presentation of identity cards and x-ice, confirming the School or the applicable index.Tickets are on sale in all T-Centers in Croatia.

Stilettos of an elephant droppings

Stilettos of an  elephant droppings as a "response" to the "Virgin Mary" of excrement and genitalia photos
Insa Heels London brand, behind which stand grafiter art Insa names and shoe designer Ruth Shaw, was made by one unusual heeled stilettos very high of 25 centimeters. Platform shoes made of an elephant droppings. But do not worry, in this not so soon walk the streets.

Specifically, Insa Heels was one of six design house that Tate Britain gallery asked to create an "answer" to the recent exhibition of artist Chris Ofilija that his "Virgin Mary" made from waste of an and photos of female genitalia cut from pornographic magazines. Conference mentioned several photos of the mayors of American cities tried to ban in local museums. These bizarre stilettos Insa Heels is made from the droppings of the same family of elephants that came feces for Ofilijevu art.

Painting Easter eggs

Occasional Easter painting and Easter eggs placed in front of the restaurant food Podravka Koprivnica.

Image is presented Stefanija Vulic from parts, a theme associated with the greatest Christian holiday of Easter. Mirjana Posavec presented the eggs, the symbol of Easter, a sign of love or affection, the awakening of spring and new life. Mirjana Posavec employed at Podravka in quality control, where the same work for many years now, and in his free time he is still heklanjem, knitting and creating a tapestry. Exposed eggs were made in the decoupage technique (salvetna technology) and "heklanjem" ispuhanih eggs. The exhibition will be set up in the next three weeks, and images can be purchased at the occasional cost.

ponedjeljak, 15. ožujka 2010.

Paintings intended for donation to the hospital

Clinic to your lungs diseases Jordanovac from Zagreb and associations of people with lung cancer 'Sails', raising funds for the purchase of equipment for rapid diagnosis and treatment of the aforementioned diseases. Every day we encounter people who had the support of a large and vital. I appeal to all artists that are donating at least one work of art join the action. Auctions will be held on December 3, 2009, in Mimara which will be prepared and a big fashion show, models will carry a famous person from the public and political life.

Association of lung cancer was established on 31 Croatian October 2007. year, with the support of the Croatian League Against Cancer as an umbrella organization. This means acting according to its own independent program, but within and with the consent of the league. Inicicijativu start to establish themselves, patients, their families and medical workers who every day suffer from this disease.

Although the need for such association existed for many years, is particularly pronounced in recent years. A large number of patients, the disease occurs in all younger age groups, a high mortality rate and treatment is hard and often uncertain. Realizing this, and realizing all the weight of the situation in which he found ill persons, we initiated the establishment of the Association.

The project is a very broad spectrum of fundraising and help or donations through various media such as HTV, Croatian fashion designers, Gloria, posters Zagreb, Podravka, public debates and round tables of lectures on disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

petak, 12. ožujka 2010.

dangerous cheese

Retail chain Lidl withdraws from the sale of two types of cheese producers Prolactal Hartberg Austria. However, as these cheeses in the stores were only available in the markets of Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the withdrawal applies only to the markets of these countries, according to the Lidla.            

 Controversial claim that cheese is not sold on the Croatian market, or they have in their portfolio, and that Croatia is not yet an EU member, all dairy products imported by Lidl are subject to very strict quality control of the competent institutions. That Croatia does not sell infringing cheeses, confirmed the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development.  Having examined the documents at all border veterinary stations has been established that none of the registered importer in Croatia has never imported cheeses Reinhardshof Harzer Käse and Reinhardshof Bauernkäse mit Edelschimmel manufacturers Prolactal GmbH from Austria, which caused the death of six people in Austria and Germany due to Listeria infection monocitogenes - they say in the relevant ministry.

Given the rigorous examinations at the border veterinary stations, as well as in laboratories, where all products of animal origin are tested on micro-organisms, residues, heavy metals and anything that might endanger human health, Croatian consumers can be sure of the validity of health food products, announced .

četvrtak, 11. ožujka 2010.

Company G & P company of Satan '

Household work and watch what you buy?


When I received this information and read the title, I thought that I was all clear. Because I know what marketing is, as raally advertising and their intentions, and sometimes sinful behaviors that reach beyond the moral and ethical standards and boundaries. But when I read the text to the end, I realized that actually works on not advertisement  for P & G. They have a very well structured web site, like me.
Specifically, the president of Procter & Gamble Company, published a long one American television show that serves the devil and Satan church or 'Devil church' as it is called. And added that a large part of the proceeds from the sale of products produced by his company in which the president is going to just use these satan's church. When asked whether his statement harms the sale of products, said that in America there are not enough Christians who would not mind, imagine what a humiliation for Christians. On these products is a sign of Satan and prominent organizations in the form of a ram and 666 numbers which are visually sorted into three groups of stars that form the mentioned figure. It is worth looking for the American market, to market in Europe does not support. Just to mention that these are products which we purchase and other Europeans whose purchase giving survival damn church. So it is well known to us about products company P & G's Old Spice, Pampers diapers, soap Camay, Coast, Ivory, Zest, Head & Sholders, Perth, Wondra, TV series Ways, peanut butter Jiffi, Ariel, Oxydol. Blend-a-med, Tide, Ariel, Ace Candeggia, Lilt, Pril, Mr.Clean, High Point, Splendid, Top Job, Vortex,
 So ..... do not buy products company P & G satanic company.
The story goes like this: the order of head of the Church of Satan, the president of the company P & G is a sign of support satanic church, in all its products, said a sign that I have listed above. Soon on the TV show Marry Griffin guests were a group of cult of Satan, among them the owner. When this was confirmed by their affiliation to the association of homosexuals, while its promise given to Satan, to him for the progress and success in business after the death let my soul and heart. It's stupid than more stupid. Remembered the movie 'Dumb and stupid' and likeable duo. Of course we will boycott products because insulting people and their well-intentional belonging to Christians.

We will buy more products company Procter & Gamble