ponedjeljak, 31. siječnja 2011.

Predavanje predstavnika Ministarstva zdravstva i socijalne skrbi

Kao prehrambenoj kompaniji, Podravki je od izuzetne važnosti pratiti sve najnovije tehnološke trendove kao i zbivanja koja se odvijaju u segmentu prehrambenog zakonodavstva. U tom cilju Ljudski potencijali Podravke i Društvo kemičara i tehnologa Koprivnice organizirali su predavanje na teme iz područja prehrambenog zakonodavstva: prehrambenih i zdravstvenih tvrdnji, aditiva u hrani i mikotoksina u hrani. Teme su to koje plijene sve veću pažnju ne samo kod nas već i u Europi, naglasila je u svom uvodu predsjednica Društva kemičara i tehnologa Nada Knežević voditeljica odjela Dokumentacija registracija i zakonodavstvo Podravkine kontrole kvalitete. Velikom broju nazočnih u dvorani za sastanke poslovne sedmerokatnice Podravke, koja je bila premala za sve zainteresirane, riječima dobrodošlice obratio se Krunoslav Bešvir član Uprave Podravke:

- Ovako veliki odaziv pokazuje ispravnost odluke naših Ljudskih potencijala i Društva kemičara i tehnologa da se porazgovara o aktualnim propisima iz prehrambenog zakonodavstva naše države. Ujedno da se informiramo i o aktualnim promjenama koje nas očekuju te da o svemu tome otvoreno porazgovaramo. Ove teme su za nas izuzetno značajne jer konkurencija nas tjera da svoja iskustva iz dobre proizvođačke prakse prenesemo našim suradnicima koji su tu danas s nama. Važno nam je njihovo razumijevanja da je Podravka kompanija koja uistinu poštuje, aktivno radi i surađuje s ovim institucijama po svim ovim pitanjima.

Zatim su predstavnici Uprave za sanitarnu inspekciju Ministarstva zdravstva i socijalne skrbi održali svoja vrlo zanimljiva predavanja. Prvo je Koraljka Knezić načelnica službe prezentirala temu prehrambene i zdravstvene tvrdnje. Nastavila je Marina Kovač državna inspektorica temom o aditivima u hrani, te na kraju Ružica Vazdar načelnica odjela temom mikotoksina u hrani. Usporedo s predavanjem gošće iz Uprave za sanitarnu inspekciju Ministarstva zdravstva i socijalne skrbi imale su i radni sastanak s Podravkinim stručnjacima, a na kraju svog boravka u Podravki razgledale su i tvornicu juha i Vegete.

Tekst: Vjekoslav Indir
Snimio: Berislav Godek

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srijeda, 26. siječnja 2011.

Podravka organized educational workshop for producers of wheat

To ensure sufficient quantity and quality of safe from the cooperative production of wheat intended for processing in our company, Podravka experts have organized a very successful educational workshop on the problem of mycotoxins in wheat grain. In the introductory part of the
workshop, PhD. Zdravko Matotan, project manager of Podravka, said that the common desire of Podravka and manufacturers as a partner in the production of wheat intended for processing in Podravka it to be as successful as possible for them and for us. That manufacturers achieve better yields and higher profits while Podravka to receive the agreed amount and quality of safe wheat processing. Mycotoxins and wheat quality issues are of utmost importance to all in this process, and these are problems that are due to the overall climatic conditions all equally significant burden. That is why all of the major common goal - improving the quality of wheat.
All the experts and producers attending training appropriate welcoming words of welcome in Podravka addressed and a member of the Podravka Miroslav Repić who stressed the fact that from the standpoint of the market is extremely important for Podravka that has vendors who comply with all necessary certificates, which thus provide the top quality raw material from resulting top-quality products. Since due to increased amounts of mycotoxins in domestic wheat Podravka often been forced to import, the desire is to precisely through such education comes to the quality of domestic raw materials. Announced in the context of long-term and stable cooperation that will guarantee a certain price level and purchase.

A large number of farmers who were in the meeting room of the administration building Podravka impact of mycotoxins on human health and their control in the process of processing wheat spoke, and Dr.. Jasmina Ranilović, Podravka director of quality control. Then the doc. PhD. Zeljko Jukic with the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, said the agro-technical measures such as prevention of disease classes and mycotoxins in wheat grain, Marija Horvat, B. Sc. ing agr. from Bayer CropScience Croatia spoke about the protection of wheat from disease classes, and at the end of mr. sc. Vesna Popijač from Podravka quality control on the traceability of wheat production and pest management. In the final discussion involved a large number of farmers who have also had an exceptional opportunity to the beats of top experts answers to several questions from the production of wheat. In the end, all participants were divided and certificates of participation at this workshop.

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četvrtak, 20. siječnja 2011.

Peek & Poke at this year's Night of the Museums

Gamerice and gamers and if you did not know, Croatia is the fourth consecutive year the Museum Night takes place when you can mukte (freely) Croatian to visit museums and see the world and our cultural heritage. Since the force of the museum in Croatia, we think that you are having fun every day different games on all platforms possible setup Rijeka club Peek & Pook could be very interesting. This is a great computer enthusiasts who have managed to collect over 1000 different exhibits from the world of computer and Croatian history and give a wonderful insight into the development of the computer and everything connected to them. So you can see how we came to this world with 8-core processors, graphics cards, which deals with unimaginable amounts of information in milliseconds and console equipment that already comes with great strides in virtual reality and 3D technology.

But not too long story short, let on what is important. So, on this special set for Night of the Museum will be able to try the 40-th anniversary of microprocessors (yes, it is so ago) the game on the latest generation of consoles, attend a concert of excellent Pula group Tito's boys' and buy limitaranu series of commemorative T-shirt and appropriate Molotov cocktail.
 As you can see, we will have a good time and fun as it is fitting for the modern generation of gamers and gamerica. Playomania media covering this event and we hope to see you in ever greater numbers.

Once again, we find that the material:

Scene: The Museum Informatics Peek & Poke, John Grhovca 2; Palach (there will be a concert Tito's boys), Circular 6, Rijeka

Time of action: 28.1, 18-01h

Contents: setup information heritage, playing on the newest consoles, concert Tito's Boys "

For all other details visit the official website bench "Peek & Poke" or their facebook fan page.

We see it without too taganih pictures by face-to;)

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utorak, 18. siječnja 2011.

From Dusk Till Dawn

 The best day of my vacation and relax from everyday business activities and turbolencija certainly weekend. Last Saturday morning I got out of bed with satisfaction, with a lot of positive energy and a lot of fantasy in my head, and the adrenaline, I went on the Drava river mysterious paths, in order, but as long as I can. In my head I have disagreed many question marks? Like those with the Drava fairies, monsters, with real or unreal things. I must admit that I was not easy to reach destinations where I waited for our brother and friend, Stanimir fit or what I call a mile. I had a lot of problems with travel, the roads were unusually muddy and impassable, according to which they freely move only giant tractors of several hundred horses. The road was totally like a safari road. Driving is such a gooey yellow road with my car all the more turned up in gray. Every so often, I encountered some obstacles of which I had to give up and return to the starting point, the cocoa would set off again, and invent some other route. Main navigation that my journey was to me was certainly my brother, thanks negovoj assistance through mobilephone I was able to come to the right place (not) the right time. There I should meet with good company, in order that they are doing something that I enjoy and to be their social support, or animations.

Drava hold many secrets, some are related to fantasy, a lot of them are contained in the vicinity and under the earth. Namely, the detritus of the Drava are part of the Pannonian Basin which was the Pannonian Sea, and below ground are many other fossils, signs and trees. Wandering through the Drava river, many times I came upon a natural museum exhibits, such as eg. skull fossil amphibian from someone, and some specific plants, gilded stones ..

To celebrate this weekend to find the Drava emitivnoj destination was a real wooden ispodvodeni kapitalac-fossil in a wooden form, worthy of attention, and weighs several tons of old 500 and older. It was a huge giant, who according to our estimation, grew 60 years collecting rings. Wood is crying out for performance, so that we can and we have received a job to do it. Stanimir Braco and two real wolf Native Men's Drava which each blink of the eye of the Drava are well known and where they are in it just settles down like a fish in the river Drava. We enjoyed the beautiful and warm winter sun, surrounded by water, swans, Ronca, wild duck and all manner of mercury, which resides in the natural. habitat. That day we had lots of plans. We did and picked up the wood. Stane has honored us with good handle of the best fish dishes stored in the Drava bank, worth of praise and attention he is a true master to save the fish delicacies. To lick your fingers. With all that we do not lack good wine. Aperitif of the local plum brandy is also not denied. Everything went exactly as we naplanirali.

Working and hanging out we have not even noticed that the night began to descend slowly, and the sky turned in the best scenario 'sunset'. When we picked up our treasures, we left the thick twilight of error of which we were still leading to the house. On the table we were waitintg fine fresh donuts and hot coffee which is boiled to prepare us to our dear mother. Eve exactly what we deserve, I thought. There is not the end of the story. Good mood and provided extra energy, we set out on adventurer night, hanging out with the locals in the surrounding tavern called Pila-jevo until the morning. There are a few mines, good fun and laughter we do not need. It was a weekend to remember, that we will soon be repeated, even only be resolved physiological effects that just were not comfortable, and I have had to endure a few days. Despite everything, however I will go back and repeat the magnificent and unprecedented adventure as the film "From Dusk Till Dawn ', director and actor Quentin Tarantino.

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ponedjeljak, 17. siječnja 2011.

Izvučeni dobitnici Blagdanske nagradne igre za Podravkaše

Od 15. studenoga 2010. do 14. siječnja 2011. godine trajala je Blagdanska nagradna igra za Podravkaše u kojoj su naši zaposlenici kupivši u bilo kojoj trgovini na području Hrvatske Podravkine proizvode u vrijednosti od 50 kuna mogli sudjelovati u nagradnoj igri. Više od 2.000 kuverti došlo je na adresu Podravkinog Marketinga te je 17. siječnja održano izvlačenje pod budnim okom tročlane komisije u sastavu – Vladimir Prosenjak, Ivana Alvir i Marijan Katić. Nagrađene je izvukla Milica Sinković, a prvu nagradu – Panasonic LCD televizor TX-L32C2EA dobila je Karmenka Ivančan. Četiri druge nagrade – baterijski usisavač ZB 2812 Electrolux dobili su: Željka Horvat Mikulčić, Nadica Gašparić, Ivanka Lukač i Nikola Tomas. Imena svih nagrađenih objavit ćemo u Podravkinim novinama 21. siječnja. (B.F.)

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petak, 14. siječnja 2011.

LUXURY hatchback - Audi A9

Audi's new luxury model should bear the A9, as he writes AutoCar, the administration has not yet been given the green light for its production. If you come to sell, Audi A9 competition will be luxury cars such as Aston Martin Rapide, Porsche Panamera and Mercedes-Benz CLS. The most interesting thing of this story is intended that the revised Audi A8 platform divided by the Lamborghini, which made it the standard model Estoque. Lamborghini is otherwise since 1998. owned by Audi AG.

According to information released by British automotive magazine AutoCar, Audi is working on developing new models of its most luxurious game on the platform of the current A8, and it will be a luxury five-door hatchback, which Audi will likely again be called "four-door coupe," which is just a marketing gimmick to make it could sell more expensive and call it an attractive name of "coupe" though he does not normally. The same marketing move, Audi has made the hatchback models A7 A5 Sportback and Sportback.

As for the motorization, for now it is speculated that Audi A9 could be equipped with a newly developed 4.0-liter V8 petrol and diesel V6 and V8 engines of the structure. The strongest model S9 could under the hood have a powerful 6.3-liter W12 engine. On the other hand, the Estoque will be equipped with Lamborghini engines have powered the Gallardo, which is 5.2-liter V10. More information is available as soon as we bring.

The internet appeared information that Audi is preparing a new luxury model, which will be called A9, a platform developed by the A8 that will be shared with the Lamborghini, which will also make it a luxury model Estoque.

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Postage stamp

On Saturday, 15 January, nineteen on the anniversary of the Croatian recognition, at the post office in Koprivnica in use throughout the day will be appropriate postal stamp dedicated to eighteen killed Podravka veterans with the inscription: Do not forget - the memory of 18 deceased soldiers Podravka. Postmark will be the diameter of thirty-three millimeters, made at the initiative of the Association of veterans, the disabled and war widows of Podravka.

This is the second commemorative postal stamp, which was initiated by Podravka defenders, with the aim not to forget those who participated in the Croatian Homeland War, or who have given their lives for a free, autonomous and independent Croatian state.

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nedjelja, 9. siječnja 2011.

To smo, što jedemo!

Stara poslovica veli, da je hrana otrov i lijek, sve zavisi kako je uzimamo i koliko znamo o njoj. Ujedno predstavlja životni stil, filozofiju i istinu, ako se njome malo pozabavimo. Hrana je zapravo energija koja nas pokreće, koja se nikako ne može usporediti sa pogonskim gorivom kao što su benzin, kerozin i drugo. Hrana u nutricionističkom smislu predstavlja niz namirnica i dodataka koje hrane naše tjelesne stanice kako bi savršeno funkcionirale, izgrađuju naše tijelo i um, dajeći mu zasebno mjesto u Univerzumu. Sastav hrane pogotovo je važan za opskrbu i hranjenje sivih stanica. Dakle, što jedemo to smo, smireni ili agresivni te skloni konfliktima ili pogriješnom poimanju civiliziranog društva?!

Suvremena medicina, službena i alternativna upućuje nas na preferenciju vegetarijanske prehrane. Istraživanja su pokazala da ljudi koji više jedu meso i mesne prerađevine, pogotovo svinjetinu i govedinu, su agresivniji, njihove tjelesne izlučevine imaju snažniji miris odnosno više smrde, dok je slučaj s vegetarijancima i onima koji su skloniji bezmesnoj prehrani drugačiji. Vegetarijanci su smireniji, nisu agresivni, lijepo izgledaju, fit su kao Svemirci,  ne smrde im tjelesne  izlučevine. Rekla bih da su 'čisti'. Često oko sebe gledam ljude kako se pate u svojim životnim prilikama, ustvari žalim ih, jer ne razmišljaju što jedu. Kako se hraniti i što jesti treba znati, ili naučiti. Ustvari to bi nam moralo biti i najvažnije. Kada ovo pišem moram uzeti jednu jabuku jer me ovaj sadržaj stimulirao na hranjenje same sebe, kako bi obnovila energiju svojih sivih stanica koja se polako troši, baš kao i baterija moga laptopa, koju moram s vremena na vrijeme nadopunjavati.

Najviše mi je žao ljudi koji se totalno pogrešno hrane, a pri tome su još i bolesni, a nisu niti svjesni da su je sami doprinjeli, izazvali ili prouzročili. Ne znaju koliko si sami mogu pomoći i izliječiti se baš  hranom! Trče kod liječnika koji ima daje uglavnom medicinu-lijekove kemijskog porijekla koji nikako ne mogu biti u skladu s našim tijelom koje je dio prirode. Dakle već u toj usporedbi možemo pronaći poveznicu između prirode i našega tijela. Samo prirodni lijekovi su najbolji, sastavljeni od biljaka i namirnica. Kiseline također razaraju naše stanice, ne doslovno već sofisticirano. Ako jedemo kiselu hranu u koju spada meso i mesne prerađevine koje se u našem tijelu u razgradnji pretvaraju u PH vrijednosti, te pogoduju stvaranju bakterija i gljivica, tako raznim bolestima oslabljuju naš organizam. Naime, pred nekoliko godina u prirodno liječenje uvjerila sam se na svom vlastitom iskustvu kako se boleštine mogu otkloniti hranom. Na isti način pomogla sam još nekim osobama, te zaključila da je vegetarijanstvo pravi način za kavalitetu životnog stila i života uopće. Upravo radi spoznaje o načinu prehrane i vegetarijanskog pristupa u današnje vrijeme ljudski vijek i reprodukcija se produljila za dvadesetak godina. Kada govorimo o načinu prehrane u današnje vrijeme, nikako se ne može usporediti piramida prehrane iz prošlih nekih razdoblja, koju su nas učili još u školi, s današnjom piramidom koja ima jednu sasvim drugačiju sliku, a na čijem su vrhu žitarice kao najvrijednije i najbolje pogonsko gorivo za naše tijelo. One su izvor najbolje energije i hormona, te zdravih kiselina. (odmah mi se jedu sjemenke s jogurtom). Kada sam nedavno slušala jednoga japanskog stručnjaka doktora znanosti iz područja nutricionistike, bila sam fascinirana njegovim izlaganjem, u kojima on preferira mahune odnosno grahorice kao najbolju i neagresivnu hranu za naše tijelo. U što sam se i sama uvjerila. Najbolji prirodni lijek koji vas može riješiti mnogih boleština i bolesti je 'prirodna krv' koja se sastoji od svježe cikle, mrkve i nekog citrusa, koja savršeno podiže i jača imunitiet. Rekla bih da je kao veliki obrambeni štit i omotač koji nas može spasiti i riješit mnogih bolesti.

Niti jedno civilizirano društvo, zajednica ili pojedinac ne ubijaju životinje da bi zadovoljili svoju potrebu za hranom koja će im se kao takva, vrlo brzo osvetiti nekom bolešću.

Ne živimo da bi jeli, nego jedemo da bi živjeli. Tako bi barem trebalo biti.

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