petak, 26. veljače 2010.

Cars extraordinary power and beauty

I was always attracted good cars, especially their speed. I'm delighted their strength and beauty, and I love them. Always gave money to last the car than for a flat or furniture, and have not  God for the kitchen. Adrenaline is required. I always like to read some news about them, I love KIU Soul. This is the most and it is my favorite, beautiful car in the world ... and here's some information and news from the automotive world.

General Motors has officially announced the unexpected and that the sale of Hummer brand in the Chinese Tengzhong failed because of inability to comply with the contract specification, and that the Hummer brand to be extinct.
General Motors announced that an agreement to sell Hummer brand kinskoj company Tengzhong (Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machines Co.) can not be realized so that GM stopped selling Hummer brand, the Chinese and claims. The treaty was signed by General Motors and Tengzhong Chinese company undertakes to retain 3000 jobs related to the development and production of Hummer vehicles, as well as existing contracts with dealers throughout the United States.

The contract also bound Chinese to continue with the development of new vehicles including the Hummer H4 compact model. Sorry, poor sales, growing demands for environmental issues and global economic crisis drastically cut the Hummer cars for sale, and it seems that the American brand had its final end. GM will continue to provide a guarantee for Hummer vehicles sold, service support and sales of spare parts worldwide.


četvrtak, 25. veljače 2010.

HPV – Tako opasan Virus?

Do današnjeg dana u Hrvatskoj nije zabilježen ni jedan slučaj sezonske gripe. Mnogi će kazati da je
HPV se često prenose spolnim putem i vrlo su rašireni u populaciji seksualno aktivnih osoba. Prijenos je moguć i oralnim seksualnim odnosom, direktnim dodirom kože, u razdoblju oplodnje (ulaskom spermija u jajnu stanicu) kao i prolaskom djeteta kroz inficirani porođajni kanal tijekom poroda.

Gotovo svi karcinomi vrata maternice sadrže HPV, u više od 97% slučajeva. 15 do 28% žena može biti pozitivno na HPV, a da nemaju klinički nalaz niti promjene u PAPA testu. Brzina javljanja promjena na sluznici ili koži ovisi o općem imunitetu, o tipu virusa i o tome je li inficirana osoba pušač ili nije. Rasprostranjenost infekcije HPV-om u seksualno aktivnih žena do 30. godine može biti visoka, do 25%, dok iza ove dobi pada na 3 do 7%.

Danas se u dijagnostici za medicinsku praksu koristi DIGENE-HPV test koji je Američka agencija za hranu i lijekove (FDA) registrirala kao referalnu metodu za rano otkrivanje i tipizaciju virusa. Koristimo ga kod žena, muškaraca i djece. PCR metoda koristi se za epidemiološke studije, jer se njome određuje svaki pojedinačan tip virusa zasebno. Kada se DIGENE testom utvrdi prisutnost virusa, potrebno je načiniti PAPA test koji će prikazati jačinu citološke promjene koja može ići od urednog nalaza u nizu stupnjeva: ASCUS, SIL, CIN I, CIN II, CIN III (karcinom in situ). Zatim je potrebno napraviti kolposkopiju (mikroskopska fotografija promjene na sluznici ili koži). Ova pretraga se kod muškaraca zove penoskopija. Bitno je naglasiti da u slučaju dokazanog infekta s HPV u jednog partnera, istovremeno treba provesti dijagnostiku kod drugog partnera (bris spolovila izvana, bris uretre ili na drugim lokacijama). Terapijski tretman provodi se istovremeno za oba partnera. Za vrijeme terapije potrebno je izostaviti spolne odnose. Prosječno liječenje traje 6 tjedana, a može biti kraće ili duže. Pušenje, vegetarijanska prehrana, druge selektivne dijete, stresovi i trudnoća bitno ometaju proces izlječenja.

Infekcija HPV-om ne utječe na plodnost. Kondomi nisu potpuno sigurna zaštita od infekcije jer su za HPV propusni, a i tijekom ili nakon odnosa infekt se može prenijeti s kondoma ili s prstiju.

Žene kojima su rađeni zahvati kao konizacija, LLETZ, krioterapija, medikamentozno liječenje – trebaju raditi brisove vrata maternice, rodnice i vulve, jer se virus može zadržati u ovom području i podmuklo ponovno ugroziti zdravlje žene. Žene koje nemaju infekciju vrata maternice s HPV-om, neće oboljeti od karcinoma vrata maternice.

Tipovi HPV-a niskog rizika najčešće će izazvati: bradavice na koži, papilome glasiljki, genitalne kondilome (javljaju se na penisu u muškarca, a u žena na sluznici rodnice i stidnice, na grlu maternice Tipovi HPV-a niskog rizika najčešće će izazvati: bradavice na koži, papilome glasiljki, genitalne kondilome (javljaju se na penisu u muškarca, a u žena na sluznici rodnice i stidnice, na grlu maternice kao i u području međice, a mogu se proširiti i uokolo anusa, kao i na drugim dijelovima tijela)

Tipovi HPV-a visokog rizika izazivaju karcinom na mjestu gdje se nađu: karcinom vrata maternice, rodnice, vulve, analnog područja, kože penisa, prostate, karcinom druge lokacije (izvan anogenitalne regije): čeljusti, ždrijela, larinksa, pluća, kao i u području međice, a mogu se proširiti i uokolo anusa, kao i na drugim dijelovima tijela)

Tipovi HPV-a visokog rizika izazivaju karcinom na mjestu gdje se nađu: karcinom vrata maternice, rodnice, vulve, analnog područja, kože penisa, prostate, karcinom druge lokacije (izvan anogenitalne regije): čeljusti, ždrijela, larinksa, pluća.

The fastest fingers

Sector Human Resources last month launched an intranet to Podravka contest "taste knowledge" in order to promote new e-course "business correspondence".

Sweepstakes interested in a large number of Podravkaša and has received more than 560 correct answers. When the most successful award presentation ceremony, held in the large conference hall Podravka sedmerokatnice, Director of Human Resources Mark Ranilovic said that the interactive contest designed just to employees but it approached e-learning method. Top 50 "fastest little fingers" received, in addition to the e-course and a small surprise gift.

They were occasional T-shirt with the emblem zagriznute apples as a symbol that we are ready to bite and knowledge. Recall, e-learning is available to all employees who have a computer connected to the intranet, and apart from learning and adopting a different knowledge, this is way broader corporate culture of lifelong learning and sharing knowledge Podravka's people. Has already announced the following new e-course on the management of food safety, and shortly afterwards followed by the e-courses and other interesting topics. It is important to mention that everyone else who submitted correct solutions also get access to the course.

utorak, 23. veljače 2010.

Istraga protiv Toyote, što se zapravo dogodilo?

Istraga protiv Toyote, što se zapravo dogodilo?

Toyota je u problemima radi svojega nepromišljanja i lansiranja neispravnih vozila na tržište. Nedugo je bila objavljena stravična tonska snimka na jednoj televiziji, koju neću imenovati, kako je cijela obitelj otišla u ponor smrti. Zapomaganje i jecaj bili su uzaludni, služba za pomoć na cesti im nije mogla pomoći.. auto je prebrzo jurio i odveo ih u ponor, strašno..........

Od izbijanja afere s nekontroliranim ubrzavanjem tojotinih vozila, Toyota je u SAD-u i svijetu povukla oko 8,5 milijuna vozila.

Kaznene prijave su uslijedile nakon što je Toyota tijekom vikenda predala dokumente odborima Senata i Predstavničkog doma, uoči tri saslušanja o problemima s nekontroliranim ubrzavanjem vozila i ulozi američke Nacionalne uprave za sigurnost cestovnog prometa u slučaju.

Američki savezni istražitelji pokrenuli su kaznenu istragu o problemima sigurnosti vozila Toyote, potvrdio je u ponedjeljak japanski proizvođač automobila, dok se njegov predsjednik uprave Akio Toyoda priprema za svjedočenje o nedavnom povlačenju vozila, koje će biti održano u srijedu u američkom Kongresa.Toyotin predsjednik uprave Akio Toyoda svjedočit će u srijedu pred Odborom za nadzor i vladine reforme Predstavničkog doma Kongresa. Riječ je o presedanu da čelnik jedne japanske kompanije svjedoči u istrazi pred odborom američkog Kongresa pa je Toyota prvotno odbila taj zahtjev ali je kasnije pristala, jer je američko tržište ključno za njezino uspješno tržište i poslovanje.

LIFESTYLE Hugo Boss for summer 2010


The collection combines the precise details and clear cuts with feminine pliable and soft fabrics. Color inspiration came to "coast" - white, blue sailor and intense red. The story is completed using entirely natural materials and light fabrics such as cotton and linen.

Bags of all sizes are adapted to all daily and evening activities. Sandals and shoes are in a strong measure "colored, very open and stable."


Bosss Black Men collection for spring / summer 2010th inspired by the lifestylom Los Angeles. Presents a cosmopolitan style with a "very masculine and tough look details that make full and complete".

Emphasis, combined with elegant, formal and informal style, casual look. Color chart in the summer season is very broad: and earthy tones of brown, gray, and shadow effects, lots of white, light blue.

The collection named "L.A. Story, "and the" seductive business woman who is easily cope with all the moments cosmopolitan way of life. " Business base is the summer look airy style of urban women. The materials are very easy and natural: cotton, linen and silk.

Palette is dominated by intense red, white and gray, deep ocean blue, green and bright pink. Mandatory part of clothes for every woman to be recognized in this story is a three-piece suit in a neutral color as a solid basis for the whole idea of the collection, and also the holder of indispensable accessories of strong colors and clean lines.

The collection for spring / summer 2010th Hugo Boss Man exudes a bright and pastel colors, sophisticated details, graphics and classic cuts. Message for the summer season - wearing a white sailor blue and intense red complemented by black and gold. Incisions are complex and collar dekonstruirane and thus enhancing the impression of cut and construction of tailoring, which certainly gives the collection of additional masculinity and strength with an emphasis on proper lines and small stripes that make raster.Modni accessories are clean lines and neutral colors to wear, and Oversize gladiatorice weekend bags

I wake up and feel the spring ..

I wake up and feel the spring ..And something wild in me. Then I thought, I have to fall in love again. All of this is we were far too empty. I need lover's adrenaline, and someone whom I can think of who would think of me, who will hug me, walk and run with me in nature and thus absorb the spring and the sun's rays. All I see in some strange beautiful colors, which I adore, and a dear person that matters to me. I've dreamed of something beautiful and unusual, and this just my dream coming my thinking and made me fall in love again. Something beautiful in the world to have a person beside him all that you say that matters to you. This is actually something that drives me to gives me a lot of boundless energy .. banner 'charger' - 728x90.jpg

Print Birthday Cards from Home - Free Trial!

Informal Bridal Dresses- ON SALE!

Prom Dresses IN STOCK!

ponedjeljak, 22. veljače 2010.

It was all over me

Every Monday is hard to take. Today I have a lot of strength and good will, and how and when should I just enjoyed this weekend. I socialized with my dear people, saw and entertained to unconsciousness with my dear people, was in the nature of his precious people. I did not skimp at all. I wandered all over, well I ran, enjoyed anything and everything, and I was really nice. Today will feel like you have wings, and nothing we is not difficult. They say we are some kind of ways to Zagreb visit our exhibition of the famous painter of modern Vlaho Bukovac.
I love his part, and always see something new. These are really valuable exhibits. Not for me the first time to meet with his art, a lot of pictures I have seen it, but it's worth everything once again and experience, and when the company goes with the experience was even better and more comfortable .......... will be much more .... haha ... smile on your face ....

Animated Short Oscar 2010

The trends are funny cartoons - even stories about aging and death are great black Like last year, and 2010. present a short animated films that were nominated for Oscars. All comedy, satire or farce, so fans of funny films to come to your!
1st 'French Roast' / home / r: Fabrice Joubert, France

Hilariously funny cartoon about the businessman who comes to coffee in the cafe, and when your wallet is lost - trying to raise money to pay the bill. This is the directorial debut Fabricea Joubert, who has already worked as an animator film 'Shark Tale', 'Wallace and Gromit in the large feedback conspiracy' and 'Let the water that the mice go'.
'Granny of "Grimm's Sleeping Beauty', r: Nicky Phelan, the entire film.

3rd 'The Lady And The Reaper' ( 'La Dama y la Muerte'), r: Tell Javier Gracia, Spain

Another funny 'Blacky. Old woman visited by Death, but it fails to take as a physician intervenes and begins to literally fight for the old woman! Director Gracia say that this is the first film, and it is interesting that in the credits as a producer signed he?Antonio Banderas.

petak, 19. veljače 2010.

svega pomalo....

Dragi moji

Za vikend vam želim



Dobar film

Lutanje po prirodi

Druženje s dragima

Puno dobre hrane i seksa

Bank put down rates, maybe?

Indeed these politicians mutikase and skorojevici just kept thinking chairs and cocoa will preoccupy you more money, and they care for the people. People should trample as cockroaches. At every election the appearance of some new 'smart', who are ready to pronounce each of us to lie and cheat just to make themselves secure. They really just are not worth anything and do not work or do not resolve problems where there are. They are only interested in criminal activities and that the more you grab. Just look the other day on TV ours Sukija. What seems to realize that we started utapljati in shit, and urges the Bank to reduce interest rates on loans to citizens and economy. It was this totally ridiculous, when every old woman with pay to know that we should do before a lot of time and not wait for our water comes not from the throat, but came in the teeth. The biggest mistake the government is that the increase Kharaj, its brilliant move that broke the whole ours economy to the ground and completely impoverished the Croatian people. The government is constantly Directing many years, built roads, arenas, stadiums, stupidity, and poor oven and Nice is now even stronger on all sides. Do not say the Gods must like Greece. Sad to say bankrupt as Greece. And such a fate awaits us. Not thinking about anything when put  in building expensive projects. I wonder why such a poor country like Croatia has so many parties that people pay. It is also our serious problem. In fact today may be best to progress and achieve a security without a diploma and references to escape the party. Woe to us how long we keep these ...

četvrtak, 18. veljače 2010.

Good food and good beer

Koprivnica's brewing history goes back 250 years back. Open 1972nd The Pub Kralus with European tradition, offers a greater selection of the best types of beer. Located in the center city center of Koprivnica, their historical examples dominates the town square in appearance.

The specific name "Kralus" received by the foam bubbles that remain in the hollow glass of beer to its layout and the source of tradition, reminiscent of the red necklace what are Zambian women and girls wore as an ornament around his neck.

Interior Pivnice Kralus edited known academic painters and sculptors, Zlatko Kauzlaric-Atac Fluksi and Joseph, and Joseph vitraili belong expression Turkovica with motifs Zambian everyday.

It is known as a popular gathering place for true connoisseurs of good beer and prepare local specialties and rich Zambian Prigorje indigenous cuisine. True gourmets and fans of good food hard to resist the local specialties such as Drava pladnja, boiled beef tongue with prgama cheese, beans, Drava, beer sausage, fileka bacon, veal and bakery struklima with cabbage .....

Interior capacity is 80 seats and 60 seats belong to part of the terrace.

Space is suitable for the celebration of various occasions and celebrations (business lunches, weddings, confirmations, christenings, birthdays, domjenci with the possibility of catering).

Noon becomes Croatian President

18.2.2010. This is a great day for Croatia! JosipovicWhile the agnostic, the final words of the oath, "So help me God," Josipovic not hard to fall. "This is part of the tradition, which I accept, on several occasions explained third Croatian President, who already does not intend to continue the war with the Church, which his predecessor ran for ten years. After the oath follows Josipovic first presidential speech, and after the ceremony at St. Mark's Square, about 30 guests will be referred to the luncheon in the palace Dverce. Josipovic will, however, after the rinse with Pantovcak Mesic, have another address to the nation. This time over national television. Their paying public, which will transmit live television from all three national concession, Josipović will conclude its first day on Pantovcak. Every move and every word of the third day of the Croatian president will be under scrutiny, and the next day subjected to analysis.
Luncheon, the handover Pantovcak and TV address

However, it will be only the beginning of the first day of the Pantovcak Josipovic era. The two will meet again in the President's Office, which occupied several hours Mesic, and the handover of power will be held approximately 17 hours, after which it will leave Pantovcak Mesic as a former president. Where will move so far is not clear due to the fact that his new residence in Grskovicevoj Street will be maintained until the end of several weeks.
Everything is planned in great detail
St. Mark's square, all the seats reserved for guests with invitations and journalists. Citizens who want to be at the ceremony, will be placed slightly lower in Cirilometodskoj street. Hands full and will have the Zagreb police, who will record every detail together and take care of security. So citizens will not be allowed to enter the Upper Town alcohol or potentially dangerous objects. Because nothing is left to chance. At St Mark's Square yesterday held a dress rehearsal, he came to see himself Josipovic, and about the cast and Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, which is also interested in what is expected tomorrow. All, of course, kept under the control of people responsible for the protocol and security, facing a very challenging day, although everything is planned to the last detail.

At ten o'clock the inauguration of the president of foreign

On the list of international guests who will be the inauguration Josipovic's a few prominent names, but it's hard not to notice that Mesic and 2000. and 2005. collected more attractive audience. Mesic's inauguration of the first arrived "almost the whole world", which is understandable considering that it is seen as one of the key moments that set Tudjmanism end and the beginning of democracy in Croatia. Therefore, the guest list Mesic five years later was somewhat poorer, but there is still any one name whose absence today more than visible. Presidents who will come to Josipovic's inauguration of St. Mark's Square are: László Sólyom (Hungary), Georgy Parvanov (Bulgaria), Ivan Gasparovic (Slovakia), Lech Kaczyński (Poland), Danilo Türk (Slovenia), Bamir Topi (Albania), Željko Komsic (BiH), Filip Vujanovic (Montenegro), Gorgi Ivanov (Macedonia), and Fatmir Sejdiu (Kosovo). Of prominent guests have to mention also the European Commissioner for Enlargement tefana Fuelea, president of the Spanish Parliament Francisco Javier Garcia Roja, Deputy Secretary of State J. Lewa Jacob, head of the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, the Chinese Minister of Culture Caija.


srijeda, 17. veljače 2010.

Coffee in Artu

Today after all these previous gray, is perfect for taking in the coffee at a coffee-terrace. So I spent it, and I can say is perfect, with good company-friends from Zagreb. Guys came with a likely engine space, which is mostly resembles more space in any car but the engine, so it was all style and even a helmet, suit. Perfect engine of one hundred pair of horses. Proud owner of the car parked it in front of cafes, which has caused a lot of attention and questions.
I think that you're my bar, so I have to praise and thus drive the Drava, and where we would be the end. And while we sip coffee and look through the glass coffee bar to our enthusiastic motor, we went into the ear of some earlier talk of people who were sitting near us and talking about, surprise be unexpectedly ... what about software for computers. Story penzić one another, I know you have an old XP, and you would like to embed Avista .... I think you are more Podravka Dudek. And she was surprised and my branch in Zagreb with the spike, as some experts mladci and Informatics. Koprivnica longer selendra in which the story is just about Rooster and Vegeta, but we have progressed. And in our town came Avista ... hahaha ... and he would say to pensioners ... see what the devil they know everything.
Recession they still bring something good. Companies were given the rapidly resolve any such severance pay, and they are given with the knowledge scissors. Dedek Bravo!

Banke su najveći opasni lihvari

Zamislite, kako se prema klijentima odnose banke u Hrvatskoj!? To čovjek u današnje vrijeme teško da može povjerovati. One čiji su temelji od stranog kapitala još će jedno vrijeme poslovati ''normalno'', dok one s čistim hrvatskim kapitalom već su zatvorile svoje vrata ili će ih zatvoriti uskoro, na našu sreću, a tu sudbinu će snaći i nekoliko stotina bnaka koje su ušle u Hrvatsku sa stranim kapitalom. Svakim danom gledamo na TV-u njihove savršeno prevarantske reklame u sferi drskog i beskrupuloznog marketinga, koje te mame da uzmeš neki novac ili uslugu od njih, čiju će stvarnu cijenu za uslugu savršeno zapakirati, njihovo osoblje svojim ljubaznim osmijehom. Tako običnom smrtniku koji dolazi po neki kredit neće pasti na um na kakvoj će se lomaći nači uskoro. Pazite dragi moji, ako uopće i možete  paziti ili utjecati na njihova ''zlodjela ili poslovnu politiku'' kad se upuštate s njima u neki od 'poslova', jer možete se naći i u opasnosti ako samo želite otvoriti neki bezazleni tekući ili žiro račun, a napose opasno je otvarati račun stambene štednje, ako mislite samo štedjeti, a ne ulagati u kupnju ili izgradnju kuće ili stana!

Da, dobro ste čuli, morate jako dobro proučiti što, kako i zašto. Nemojte nikako štedjeti u stambenoj štednji, a da Vam nije u svrhu, na takvim računima, ako ne ispunite kvote plaćanja, banka će vas oplesti mjesečno za koji Euro, tako da će Vam štenja ići prema dolje , a ne da Vam još raste. Primjer: uložite naprimjer 1000, kn u stambenu štednju u Raiffeisen banku, za godinu dana ćete imati na njemu manje od 500, kn, dakle banka vam je maznula 500 kn olako, za troškeove vođenja računa, iako niste ništa uplaćivali, dakle to su nažalost vaši visoki fiksni troškovi koji će vas lupiti po

đepu., ustvari to je kazna, zašto im svaki jesec nise donijeli par 100 eura kako bi mogli s njima rasopolagati, za malu kamatu na vašu štetu. Druga stvar je, ako želite taj računa zatvoriti prije roka uzet će vam 20 eura, dakle više nemate niti 500 kn već 360 kn, zatim ako taj račun želite trajno izbrisati iz bankarske evidencije i iz svoje glave , to će vas još dodatno koštati 50 kn. Dakle vaša štednja se svela na umjesto na više od 1000 kn, koja je trebala biti oplemenjena pristojnim prinosima, dobili ste manjak od 700 kn, a na kraju s računa možete podići samo 300 i nešto kuna.

Ili drugi slučaj, ako želite zatvoriti neke račune iz bankarske evidencije a na svakom imate po 6 eura, trebate platiti dodatno 50,00 kn za svaki da bi Vas izbrisali iz evidencije. Tada si razmislite i ostavite im te račune i 'siću' od 0,50 eura u evidenciji pa neka im oduzimaju prostor, tako će službenici kada ne budu imali više novaca i klijenata prebrajati prazne račune građana.
Drugim riječima banke su najveći i najopasniji lihvari koji su zaštićeni zakonom, koji su naši nesposobni političari skrojili po mjeri i ideji 'Carevo novo ruho'. Samo su ti ljudi zaboravili da smo ih mi birali i dali im povjerenje da odlučuju o našoj sudbini. O njima drugom prigodom ili pogodom.

utorak, 16. veljače 2010.

Gorak okus juhe

Dosta je mi je tih kuštravih štakorskih repova. Pošteni i stručni ljudi nikako da dođu na svoje. Stalno nam neki nepismeni direktorčići sole pamet, zadržavajući svoje postojeće rep-pozicije, zatrovane Polankecovom politikom i ideologijom čuvenih ex-managera. Najveća lakrdija je u tome što su i čelnici sindikata stali na njihovu stranu, čak je i njih potkupio spomenuti Polankec. Iako im kasu-blagajnu, pune radnici Podravke izdvajajući mjesečno zavidan postotak od svoje plaćice. Da naravno, gospodin je imao puno novaca na raspolaganju te si je tako mogao dozvoljavati raznorazne financijske egzibicije. Trošio je novac koji stvarno nije zaradio, a koji je trebao pripasti zaposlenicima Podravke. Danas bi imali puno bolji (slaba je to riječ), najbolji standard u Hrvatskoj. Ovako osiromašeni radnici koji svojim radom stvarno ostvaruju zaradu, kakavu-takvu makar ona bila nalik očerupanoj kokoši, ne mogu plaćati režije, školovati djecu, uzdržavati obitelj, vjeruju u bolje sutra, koje će zasigurno doći kada se oslobodimo paukove mreže poznatih Kumova. Bananalizmu je ravno to, da danas u Podravki još uvijek nije važno kakve posjeduješ reference i da li svojim radom doprinosiš razvoju poslovanja ili ne, možeš se popeti na „tron“ i sa srednjom školom, drugim riječima postati direktor i primati managersku plaću. Da, dobro ste čuli, ne vjerujete li možda? Moram priznati nisam niti ja vjerovala!!!! Samo dragi moji, tako se mi nećemo izvući iz govana još dugo, ako nedamo struci naprijed, te ako ne cijenimo rad i ne dozvolimo kreativnost u poslovanju. Spomenut ću samo neke primjere poslovnog nereda koji su me se posebno 'dojmili', idemo redom: u Podravci se ne daju propisani koeficijenti u skladu sa strukom i referncama, a koje bi trebale biti u skladu s kolektivniom ugovorom, dakle ne može se napredovati ako nemaš za kuma, ljubavnika/nicu, prijatelja iz koristi, te rodbinskih toucheva. Zatim, većina podravkaša je krenula na više ili visoke škole ondosno fakultete nabildati svoje znanje kako bi nam bilo što bolje u toj firmi što je bilo i u skladu s poslovnom politikom, ali nemojte misliti da je sve tako bilo jednostavno kao što izgleda. Naime većina zaposlenika je imala ugovor s domicilnom tvrtkom, upisali su i završili fakultet. Da, slažem se, neki su tada bili i ''pressposobni'' nakon inog obrazovanja i tako sve okrenuli sebi u debelu korist te krenuli put do Remetinca. Dalje, nekima je Podravka platila školarine, nikada fakultet nisu niti vidjeli, dobili su odmah u startu veću plaću i pozicije i nikada nisu trebali vratiti školarinu. Drugi su si sami platili od svoje mizerne plaće nadajući se boljem ''sutra'', nikada nisu mogli dobiti povrat svoje školarine ( iako su im direktori obećali), nisu dobili plaće prema referencama nakon zavšenog fakulteta, zašto? Jer nisu imali kuma, tetka ljubavnika/cu....i mi se pitamo zašto je to tako naopako u firmi, koja je nedugo slovila kao firma s visokim svjetskim ugledom. Dakle sve je jasno iz navedenog. Dalje, čuveni ex-manager je ukinuo i dugogodišnje honorare internim suradnicima ''Internog lista'', valjda mu je pomanjkalo novca u blagajni da zajedno sa ekipom može kupiti što više dionica i što više zadužiti postojeće radnike. Naime direktori bi radi takvih zlodjela dobili bolji stauts i bodove od svojih pretpostavljenih. Sva prašina se dizala prema vrhu. Gledam i muka mi je u kakovim kancelarijama radnici rade! U starim trošnim i vlažnim prostorima, gdje se ispod ormara mora staviti ljepilo za miševe kako ne bi pregrizli kabele, to govorim za one koji nisu ''stali'' u poslovnu sedmerokatnicu. Sedmerokatnica je priča za sebe 'like sjaj i bijeda Hollywooda'. Izvana uredna i donekle, mada vapi za obnovom, a iznutra 'svašta'. Predvorje je jako lijepo uređeno tako da se dobije pravi dojam o Tvrtki, i u što je uloženo jako puno novaca. Tu radnicima, onima koji nemaju što ''raditi'' pristup baš nije dragoočekivan, misleći koji su samo u nekakvom prolazu. Kancelarije su također u jadnom stanju, bez klime, tapisoni stari i ofucani, a broje kojih 30-ak godina, puni grinja, i bakcila, prastari namještaji....No, monotoniju razbija pokoja sređena direktorska kancelarija i kompjuterska oprema na leasing. Dakle sredstva za rad postoje, uvjeti loši, radnicima plaće nisu se povećavale godinama, a nakon Spice-a ostao je samo gorak okus juhe. To pišem iz razloga što mrzim nepravdu, nemoral, šlamperaj, nekomunikaciju, nepotizam ma gdje se ona nalazila, dal' u raju ili u paklu sasvim svejedno. Treba je sasjeći dokraja i u korjenu. Učili su nas na fakultetu da moramo reagirati i djelovati na nepoćudne radnje u okolini, ne smijemo šutjeti, te da nam je to moralna obveza.